Friday, February 11, 2011

Fasting From Technology

It may seem to be a paradox to use an emailed newsletter and internet blog to encourage fasting from the technology that controls us, yet I invite you to join me as I consider backing away from using technological things that distract me from having quiet times with God. Constant use of technology such as the internet has become an “idol” to many in recent years. I rationalize that it makes me faster, more productive, and more connected to others. But I wonder if the real quality of my personal relationships are enhanced or diminished by my preoccupation with technology? I might have more relationships over the internet now, but how deep and truly life-giving and life-sustaining are they? Many psychological studies are showing that preoccupation with the internet is increasing marriage problems and decreasing intimacy in family relationships.

Beware my soul and be still! Where do I give my life away to the internet when I could be doing something more meaningful or better for my physical health? My curiosity could surf the net eternally, reading the answers to questions, looking at funny YouTube videos, reading updates from my friends on Facebook, answering emails…..

Thank goodness the Lenten season begins on Ash Wednesday, March 9th! During the 40 days of Lent we are to ponder all that Jesus Christ sacrificed due to his love for each one of us. The 40 days are a reflection of the time Jesus spent alone with God in the desert preparing for his ministry on earth. We can also use these pre-Easter days to ponder how controlled and/or dependent we are upon modern technology. If it isn’t the internet for you, it might be that you have become a TV addict. It is very easy to watch multiple episodes without realizing 3 hours has gone by! I hope to utilize this Lent to re-prioritize my life so I can hear God’s words of wisdom and peace, reassurance and comfort. How do I unplug without feeling left out or non-productive? It will be good to learn.

Helen Keller once said, “Everything has its wonders, even darkness and silence, and I learn, whatever state I may be in, therein to be content.”

Regular times of silence in natural surroundings does the heart, soul, and mind good. My daily walks with the dogs inspire me to set aside more unplugged moments. When my cell phone comes along on the walk I find myself distracted by it and lose the “soul” time I could have had. Yet without it I sometimes feel like I’ve lost an appendage, it has become so much a part of me! This won’t be easy but I will challenge myself this Lenten season to take a fast from technology every Monday on my day off. 5 unplugged days out of 40 should be doable…. with God’s help. Join me in unplugging and renewing your mind during Lent 2011. I encourage you to keep a journal of your time listening to God.

My Lenten prayer is based on this: “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to know what God's will is—God’s good, pleasing and perfect will.” (Romans 12:2 NIV)

(This website has excellent information about all types of internet addiction. See: (cartoon from the New Yorker magazine)

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